Monday, March 25, 2019

Five outta Five

What happens if you put a lit cigarette in your ass and farted? How about if you eat a bunch of peanuts and burp on someone with a peanut allergy? Can you kill someone with your bare hands? These questions and more mostly kinda sorta answered by the boys at WWTQ.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Setting up A Fifi

This week it's just the boys again and they're bringing the answers we never needed to questions that aren't worth asking, such as: If you shrunk down to the size of a rabbit would your cat try to eat you? Can a man without any hands jack off? How to approach women? Hentai? Latex farting? This and more in this latest episode of WWTQ!


Monday, March 4, 2019

Why is it purple, Doglas?

This week Wife returns again to join the boys for another round of weird and stupid questions from the internet. How to name pets? Is 'Bra' plural? How do I clear the cache in my brain? Sitting while peeing? Pizza crust up the butt? These pressing questions and more in this newest episode of WWTQ!
