Monday, July 31, 2017

WWTQ 081 - Tom can smell balls

We're back, more banter talking about pets and taxes and all that stuff. Whatever, it's episode 81 of What Was The Question and I'm going on vacation, see you guys in a week!
Thanks for listening!


Monday, July 24, 2017

WWTQ 080 - Vintage Fromunda Cheese

We're back again, you know you love us. We talk about vapes and quitting smoking, we bring the sex chat as usual, and then we talk about concerts we've seen plus plenty in between. WWTQ, we're here for us, and you know what you signed up for.


Monday, July 17, 2017

WWTQ 079 - The screaming tampons

That's our new band name, I've just decided. We're back and staying classy as the title suggests. We banter about life, pets, bodily functions, sex, love, and deviate into politics a little but we don't let that get to us. This is WWTQ, you know why you're here. Welcome, have a seat, you bring the donuts next week.


Monday, July 10, 2017

WWTQ 078 - Get out of heer STALKER

We couldn't record together so Tom and Wife took a break to concentrate on their house and I invited a Twitch streamer friend, Perochialjoe, to fill in with me. We talk about Let's Play new and old, the current state of streaming, and a little about digital art to fill in, banter ahoy, come and enjoy!


Monday, July 3, 2017

WWTQ 077 - Heavy Petting

We're back with more banter, this time concerning pets new and old and the foibles of a new 'young dog' running about while trying to record a podcast so this one is a little chewed up. Enjoy!