Monday, December 23, 2019

What did the Dodo do?

Is it normal to have thoughts like you're intellectually disabled and everyone is just being nice to you? Why don't we just pump astronauts full with 7 months worth of anesthetic to get them to mars? I suddenly love black olives, did something about my tongue change? These questions and more answered on this special holiday episode (It's short) of What Was The Question.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Date night fights

Are twin's parents sure about their children's names? What is a good way for a girl to start a conversation with a man? Do incels just want to date hot women? If Kirby ate you what power would he get? These intriguing questions and others answered in this installment of What Was The Question.


Monday, November 25, 2019

A flock of peni

Is it wrong for a guy to like listening to Ariana Grande etc.? What is your Poo Frequency? Is poo vegan? Why is Keanu Reeves beloved by the entire internet? These questions and others answered by our dastardly duo Faust and Tom on this week's WWTQ.


Monday, November 11, 2019

The one Faust forgot

Here is the episode formerly titled 'Today Years Old' that was replaced with a duplicate of the previous episode by mistake because Faust is a dumbdumb and impatient and Windows got in the way, so....yeah.

If something has the spirit of Halloween is it Halloweenie, Halloweenish, or Halloweenular? What is the best animated movie and why? What is the best way to die? What frivolous thing would you do with $100 billion?

These questions and more handled by the intrepid ghost hunters Faust and Tom at WWTQ!


Monday, November 4, 2019

Today years old

If something has the spirit of Halloween is it Halloweenie, Halloweenish, or Halloweenular? What is the best animated movie and why? What is the best way to die? What frivolous thing would you do with $100 billion?

These questions and more handled by the intrepid ghost hunters Faust and Tom at WWTQ!


Monday, October 21, 2019

Not the Wysiwyg!

This week our intrepid reddit explorers answer some hard hitting questions such as: Do you really need 10+ minutes to poop? Would a time machine just pop you into outer space? Do you remember Columbia House? ...and more!


Monday, October 7, 2019

How to flirt

This week on WWTQ: How do you tell if you're flirting? What are crushes like? Is that corn I don't remember eating? Why does viewing eldritch horrors cause craziness and potential death?


Monday, September 30, 2019

Planetary Ponderance

What would the planets taste and smell like? Can you have an acid trip without the drugs? Can you cook a Hot Pocket while leaving the plastic on it? These curious questions and more answered in this week's WWTQ!


Monday, September 9, 2019

InstaThots and Cat Smellin

Do you smell your cat? How do you buy pants? Why do men always look at other women? All these questions and more brought to you by the boys at What Was The Question


Monday, August 26, 2019

We R Relly Smrt

Have you encountered pure evil? Do you look before you flush? What is the most effective caliber for dinosaur hunting? These questions and more answered on this week's WWTQ.


Monday, August 19, 2019

Parody Porn Pitches

Are apples getting worse? What books should someone read at least once in their life? Why does Zeus shock us every time we touch metal? These riveting questions and more answered in this week's What Was The Question


Monday, August 12, 2019

Basic Daniel

Is there a term for Insect/Aquatic Furries? How much poo is too much? Do you really have to work for 60 years after high school? All these questions and more tackled by the boys of What Was The Question (keep up to date and send your questions in on Reddit at r/WhatWasTheQuestion)


Monday, July 29, 2019

A Unique Fragrance

What is the past tense of swiss cheese? Why do cats hate dogs so much? Why do guys take so long in the bathroom? These questions and more tackled by our non-experts Tom and Faust this week on What Was The Question


Monday, July 22, 2019

Put the Fun in Funeral

How do you restore your faith in humanity after working in retail? Why does syrup always get everywhere? What would you cook for Gordon Ramsay? All these and more in this weeks thrilling installment of What Was The Question.


Monday, July 1, 2019

A Polite Notice of Stink

What Million dollar gift do you get for your worst enemy?, Why are there always so many unused registers at the store?, Do you get to lick the toilet bowl? These burning questions and more answered by the almost-scientists at WWTQ!


Monday, June 24, 2019

1,000 Guinea Pigs

How do you survive a workplace full of idiots? What item would you use to fight 1,000 aggressive guinea pigs? Why do some smokers light up while walking into the store? These questions and more tackled by our lack-of-experts Tom and Faust on this week's WWTQ.


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Three Pringles Left

If you could create a religion, what would it be? If a woman turned into a man for a week what advice would you give her? When a guy gets hit in the crotch what causes the most pain? These questions and more on this week's What Was The Question


Monday, June 3, 2019

Robot Soup?

Do giraffes get struck by lightning more often? When is it appropriate to eat when being told a sad story? Can a robot survive in soup? These questions and more on this thrilling episode of WWTQ!


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tom Travel Paradox

Are Chocolate and Coffee vegetables? Does time travel exist? Are people in Florida that bad? These questions and more answered in this episode of What Was The Question


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Applause and Hollerin

Is it weird to eat a hotdog sideways? What would you write for your own obituary? What are the hotel protocols for a stained shower? These questions and more answered this week by the boys on What Was The Question Podcast


Monday, April 22, 2019

Big Peanut Butter

Can you suffocate breathing just farts? Is it OK to let small children interact with furries? Is it safe to pump gas into a running car? These and more answered this week by the boys at WWTQ


Find us on reddit; r/WhatWasTheQuestion

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Flaccid Teeth?

Do dogs like rock and roll? Can a fart propel you through water? Will ten shots make you smell of alcohol? These questions and more answered by Tom and Faust this week on WWTQ


Check our reddit at r/WhatWasTheQuestion

Monday, April 1, 2019

Creative Canoeing, Podcasting, and other pointless hobbies

What would you do for $1000 but not $100? Are there weed hangovers? What can you say both at the drive-thru and during sex? These questions and more given an answer from the trio at What Was The Question Podcast!


Also now on Reddit at r/WhatWasTheQuestion

Monday, March 25, 2019

Five outta Five

What happens if you put a lit cigarette in your ass and farted? How about if you eat a bunch of peanuts and burp on someone with a peanut allergy? Can you kill someone with your bare hands? These questions and more mostly kinda sorta answered by the boys at WWTQ.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Setting up A Fifi

This week it's just the boys again and they're bringing the answers we never needed to questions that aren't worth asking, such as: If you shrunk down to the size of a rabbit would your cat try to eat you? Can a man without any hands jack off? How to approach women? Hentai? Latex farting? This and more in this latest episode of WWTQ!


Monday, March 4, 2019

Why is it purple, Doglas?

This week Wife returns again to join the boys for another round of weird and stupid questions from the internet. How to name pets? Is 'Bra' plural? How do I clear the cache in my brain? Sitting while peeing? Pizza crust up the butt? These pressing questions and more in this newest episode of WWTQ!


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Water Malone and Blue. Berry?

This week Wife guests with the boys as they tackle big questions. Stuff like what would happen if you took a watermelon to a bowling alley? Can ghosts give blowjobs? Is it a threesome if a dog licks your butt? What happens if you go under anesthesia while exhausted? And much more!Look us up on Facebook and Reddit to send us your questions!~


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Past Questions From The Future

Welcome back! Thanks, glad to be here, we missed you. This week's show we answer big questions about sharks, logo design, electronic aesthetic, coming of age, and the mysteries of life. Also lots more about porn but this time around a surprising lack of fecal matter content, so maybe we'll get FDA Approved for once.


Monday, January 28, 2019

Chicken Bowl Duh Face

This week the guys attempt to answer questions in a rare change of the formula. There's talk of depression, life, responsibility, the very fabric of the universe, and also pornography and crassness. Something for the whole family!


Monday, January 21, 2019

Canonball Runs

This is What Was The Question, pulling dumb-interesting content from the internet (Mostly Reddit) and doing our best to find an answer through past experience, dubious knowledge, and other fake news. Your hosts are Tom and Faust, join us if you dare!


Monday, January 14, 2019

Flying to Dippy Town

We're Back! Again! This week let's talk about everybody's favorite topic, poop! (Don't judge, there's always an alarming number of poop questions where we troll for content, remember to submit your questions at the WWTQPod facebook page!) Also on offer: notification sounds, nonsense thoughts, orgasms and more!


Monday, January 7, 2019

Baby Oil and Driver Ed

Why oil your baby, horny brother is horny, sex with penguins? These questions and more are asked to our intrepid duo, Tom and Faust, as they endeavor to answer the internet's stupidity with even more stupidity!


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sock Gloves or Glove Socks

Happy new year, please and thank you to enjoy this fanciful episode of What Was The Question meant for the Christmas season and then stuff and life and snow happened. We've got hard hitting answers for asks about socks, gloves, niki minaj, erectile dysfunction, tumblr, and more!
