Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Wrong Answers

Let's join the boys as they pick up some questions from the internet and give the entirely wrong answers. This is the new show, here's what we think is fun. Enjoy, let us know what you think!


Monday, July 23, 2018

Sex Toys and Cave Shadows

What's the difference between male and female sex toys? The boys discuss, along with politics, the devil, drugs, childhood friendships, and more!


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

We Keep Starting Fires

This week's episode celebrates Independence Day by talking for, like, two minutes about fireworks. We've got banter, stories, and the boys doing the boy things. Enjoy!


Monday, July 2, 2018

Laugh Clown

Welcome back! We've got a roller coaster of a show ready for you, we talk about dirty stuff, serious stuff, politics, religions, basically the entire gamut of 'stuff-you-aren't-supposed-to-bring-up' type topics, so same as ever!
