Monday, December 25, 2017

100th Episode!

Welcome to our special Holiday 100th Episode special, as in it's just another episode but we've done 100 of them and it's coming out on a holiday! We talk the usual banter, television, sex, crass humor. Enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday season!


Monday, December 18, 2017

Laugh and grow fat

We're back! Holidays in full force, wonderful things, horrible things, let's banter instead! We talk pets, euphamisms, music, and more! This week Anthrax is awesome, Pantera had better times than the 80's, and Megadeth is in there somewhere. Enjoy!


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Drugs, Booze, and Sex

Late again but what else is new. This episode we talk booze, drugs, alcohol, addictions, sex, and all that other fun stuff. Album this week is Royal Blood's "How Did We Get So Dark?" Next week: 80's metal!
